At REMSA, as part of EMS Week 2019, Thursday, May 23 is Thankful Thursday! Here’s a brief message from members of the REMSA Board of Directors.
At REMSA, as part of EMS Week 2019, Thursday, May 23 is Thankful Thursday! Here’s a brief message from REMSA President and CEO, Dean Dow.
We’d like to congratulate Avery Baldwin for being recognized by the Sparks Elks Lodge as the 2019 EMS Person of the Year! Below is the recognition letter presented by a member of the Sparks Elk Lodge. Avery currently serves as an EMS Supervisor, Education Coordinator and the Team Leader for REMSA’s Tactical EMS Program. As […]
Meet the 2019 Nevada Stars of Life from REMSA and Care Flight: Vanessa Coyle Markus Dorsey-Hirt Matt Hauth Kenny Kitts Daniel Moriarty Jennifer Walters This group of outstanding mobile healthcare professionals was selected for their high performance, dedication, clinical excellence and important contributions to the EMS industry. Recently, they were recognized at the Nevada Legislature […]
The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) announces the appointment of Christine Barton as a regional instructor for International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED). An international organization, IAED develops and maintains protocols and curriculum for safe, effective and consistent emergency dispatch services. IAED instructors train emergency dispatchers across the globe on these protocols to ensure […]
The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) announces the appointment of Barry Duplantis as Chief Financial Officer. In his role as CFO, Duplantis is responsible for all finance and accounting activities for REMSA and Care Flight. As a member of the executive team, Duplantis will support REMSA’s mission, be responsible for all financial reporting and […]
By: Adam Heinz, Director of the Clinical Communications Center Recently, REMSA announced an updated uniform standardization policy for its clinical and field qualified leadership. You’re probably just about to click out of this article because uniform standardization policy sounds boring. But wait! Let me tell you why it’s not and why it might be meaningful for […]
Francisco Ceballos, REMSA’s community programs coordinator, shares safe sleep tips for Safe Sleep Awareness Month. Watch the video to learn more about the ABCs of safe sleep. Safe Sleep Tips: The best way to reduce the risk for a sleep-related death is to always place the baby on his or her back to sleep, on […]
With a national shortage of paramedic certified individuals impacting emergency response agencies across the country, local fire agencies banded together and formed a partnership with the Regional Emergency Medical Service Authority, REMSA, to train their existing fire personnel to the level of Paramedic. For some agencies, providing Advanced Life Support via paramedic certified firefighters has […]
Maybe you’re celebrating the unofficial end of summer with a visit to the Nugget Rib Cook-Off this weekend. If so, check out these tips from Adam Heinz, Director of the Clinical Communications Center at REMSA, about how to stay safe and where to find REMSA if you need some minor medical attention while you’re at […]